Remembering: Reflections from Those Soulmaking in Prison

Remembering: Reflections from Those Soulmaking in Prison offers daily reflections from prison residents who have participated in The Art of Soulmaking. These short meditations offer their personal insights into practice, healing, gratitude, prayer, and more and can be read for daily inspiration. All proceeds for Remembering: Reflections from Those Soulmaking in Prison go to Unconditional Freedom, […]

The Eros Sutras, Volume 1: Principles

The essential text for the study of Eros, a feminine spiritual path. The Eros Sutras, Volume 1 is a guide to uncovering the truth within oneself. This essential volume provides teachings that bring the reader into connection with life as it emerges from the soul, illuminating the path to one’s true nature. Volume 1 provides […]

The Eros Sutras, Volume 3: Orgasmic Meditation

By Nicole Daedone The essential text for the practice of Orgasmic Meditation. The Eros Sutras, Volume 3 offers a deep dive into the practice of Orgasmic Meditation (OM) and the philosophy behind it. Orgasmic Meditation is a partnered attention-training practice where one person strokes the other person’s clitoris for 15-minutes with no goal other than […]

The Age of Eros: A Manifesto of Connectivity and Consciousness

By Nicole Daedone In the same way nations without proper nutrients have a greater incidence of blindness, so does a world that does not offer the nutrient a woman would need to see: Eros. We can scarcely visualize a world where woman is self-determined, self-defined, self-liberated, so lacking are we in what she would need to […]