Bold Insights into Feminine Spirituality

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The Eros


nicole daedone


nicole daedone

nicole daedone

nicole daedone

Volume 1


on Amazon

The Eros Sutras, Volume 1 is a guide to uncovering the truth within oneself. Eros is a philosophy rooted in the idea that in order to reach beyond the everyday layers of life and touch the truth of who we are, we must be willing to use what we refer to as our “felt sense” to guide us. The sutras are our guide to accessing and living in accordance with this sense. This volume explores ideas of perfection, desire, interdependence, optionality, play, and ethics, amongst other topics.


Even more than discovering our personal calling, we have access to the inexhaustible source of creativity and power that come when we tap into a dimension of the universe that we speak of as its “erotic” aspect.

What 35,000

readers are


When I read The Eros Sutras I feel like the deeper part of me is being called to the surface

Like some part of me that I have tried to access for so long has space to breathe.

— Sofia, on Sutra, “Approval”
I learned how to transform my pain, hunger, and longing into powerful sources of creativity, connection, and joy with the guidance of Eros.

— Courtney, on Sutra, “The True Value of Hunger”

Since reading the sutras I’ve been able to work with the belief I’ve long held of not belonging. I can now watch how it plays out, map where it gets triggered and why, and have been able to catch it and dismantle it before I begin to isolate myself. It’s helped me unlock a new level of closeness and intimacy in my friendships and my life.

— Aubrey, on Sutra, From Belonging to Desired

The Five Triggers portion helped me unlock why my life force sometimes goes awry, or in directions I can’t control and don’t want to go in. Understanding this created more meaning, intimacy, and fulfillment in my life.

— Joe

Amazon Customer

must read

Reviewed in the united states on August 6, 2023 

Verified Purchase

Wow absolutely must read. The depth of truth touched by this look is mind opening in a way i haven’t been touched by a look before. Highly recommend. 

Learn to be fully

with eros sutras



ou are the artist of your own life, and the world is waiting for your touch to awaken and draw out what it wants to bring forth.

Life needs you. 


It’s a bold way to think about living, and it’s how you are meant to be. 


Eros, the awakening to the pervasive intimacy of erotic love, is the fuel and the connective force that guides us into manifesting who we really are. 


Imagine going through a day bursting with self-approval rather than self-loathing; embracing life’s ups and downs as though each event were a long lost child; maintaining a steady understanding of our own and others’ humanity; buoyed by a sense of infinite possibility; alert and alive to every sensation. 


This is what the awakening of Eros has waiting for you.




in your


Access to a weekly “Sutra Study” event, guided by an expert facilitator, diving into one sutra in an intimate setting



the application

of the sutras

your life



Meet the Author

I want to know life biblically, the way a man knows a woman, the way a lover knows a beloved. I want to know the water by getting wet.

Whether we dwell in a luxurious home, a modest apartment, a dorm or shelter, we are all equalized by the desire, the impulse, to break out of the clutter

into a clearer light
of freedom,
of creative expression, & love

The Eros


nicole daedone

nicole daedone

nicole daedone

nicole daedone

Volume 1


on Amazon

There is no right or wrong way to approach the Eros Sutras. Read them in any order, as much or as little at a time as you find nourishing. Keep a journal nearby. You’ll have plenty of questions to ask yourself later. 


The agreement you make with the sutras is not that you will swallow them whole and become obedient slaves. The agreement is that you’ll go in and wrestle out what the truth is for you, in order to claim your strength and cultivate your deep spiritual power. 


There is no right way to start other than to dive in and begin digesting what you can chew. Savor every morsel. Enjoy yourself completely.


Eros Sutras Volume 1 Excerpt

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