
Soulmaker Press is an independent publisher whose books span the fields of feminine spirituality, liberation, social justice, women’s power, flow consciousness, and more. The idea of soulmaking comes from James Hillman’s work on connecting life and the soul. The house publishes traditional and eBooks, pamphlets and chapbooks, podcasts and audiobooks, as well as a newspaper and other occasional material.

Soulmaker Press is committed to the dissemination of Erotic Philosophy, also referred to as Eros, the path of feminine spirituality. Eros is a force of creativity, genius, and connectivity. It animates and unifies the physical and tactile, saturates our experiences, draws us into engagement with other humans and nature, and grounds us in the deepest core of the soul. There is a special interest in the shadow, the unconscious, the creative process, and a feminine nonrational system of order.

The company’s work is inspired by the five-volume collection of The Eros Sutras written by Nicole Daedone, the founder of Orgasmic Meditation. The Sutras are the essential texts in the study of Eros. Four of the five volumes have been published, with the final volume, Liberation & Justice, slated for release December 2024.

Soulmaker Press has published 12 books since 2022, including four Amazon National Bestsellers, and several of which are available in public libraries. Twelve additional works are slated for publication in 2024. Our team includes publisher Ira Silverberg, co-founder of High Risk Books, and editors David Ord, editor of Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now, and Beth Wareham, the editor of several NY Times best-selling books.